December 1995
Dear GUCI Staff (As Count Basie said, “One more time…”)
In my travels around our regions and wherever I encounter one or more of the 500 alumni now receiving these staff letters, I am always impressed with the tremendously warm feelings that we have for our camp and the friends you’ve made during your summers here. Personally, I have always felt that even one summer here as a staff member cements a connection that most other experiences never approach. I feel a very special relationship with people who have shared that staff struggle and programmatic and personal victory we realize during the course of each summer at Goldman Union Camp.
The struggles and ultimate growth in character and knowledge and commitment continue for our staff members, summer after summer. We reap the rewards today, for the gifts former counselors and unit heads gave so abundantly to their campers in the past. How so? As plans take shape for our Leadership (formerly Top Deck) Staff for 1996, it is heartwarming to report that our Shoresh, Gezah, Anaf, Camp K’ton and Avodah Unit Heads, along with our Program Director, all began their involvement here as either Shoresh or Gezah campers. Perhaps they were in your cabin, or Chug, or swim class somewhere along the way. Now these former campers take over the helm. They will be making it all happen for the next generation of campers/staff/leadership staff.
We need your financial support to maintain this Jewish continuity here at our camp. This winter we begin a project to rebuild the rooms and apartment over the Beit Am. The new living quarters will house Unit Heads and Specialists. The old rooms and apartment are not usable now, and we need the space desperately. This $25,000 project would just about be covered if each of us sent in a $50.00 check. Your contribution, more or less than the $50.00 I mentioned, will be greatly appreciated. If the GUCI Staff Letters mean anything at all to you, please help us with this most important project.
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