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(You Gotta) Accentuate the Positive and Eliminate the negative...

Pay no attention to the number by the month.  Here's a good thought for the New Year.  Shannah Tovah. Ron                        ...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The High Holidays and G.U.C.I.

Here is an old article I just came across.  The High Holidays were over a month and a half ago, but I thought I'd share it anyway.  

      (or at least Ron’s)

Well, it’s that time of year again.  Looks like footballs are flyin’, leaves are about to change their clothes, the Cubbies are anticipating another long vacation…it must be fall.  Most importantly, as I write this little message to you, Jews around the world are about to celebrate Rosh Ha Shannah and Yom Kippur.  At first glance, we might not see much of a link between the High Holidays and GUCI.  But look again, because it’s there. 

We created a substantial link between these holidays and the 40 Avodanikim who cleaned out camp, shared their great Ruach, planned special programs, and lounged on their porch last summer.  Two weeks of their Limud program centered on the Torah portions we will be reading in each of our synagogues.  I hope these Torah readings will have added meaning and significance for Avodah 2005.

But even for those of us who were not in Avodah, the link between camp and the High Holidays is strong.  These ten days are all about helping us to become better people and making the world a better place.  Isn't that what GUCI is all about as well?  We learn to live together, solve our problems, help each other, and practice Tikkun Olam, improving our world. 

I hope the sound of the Shofar will stir all of those good thoughts in our minds and hearts.  Shannah Tovah U’Mitukah.  A happy and sweet new year to you all.

See you next summer.

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