Long-time Goldman Union Camp staff member (camper too), Judy Silver has written a beautiful piece about her camp experiences. Hope you like it. Thank you, Judy.
“I’ve lived two lives at camp”

By: Judy Silver
It’s not everyone that can say “I’ve lived two lives at camp”. Well, I did. The first time in the 70’s, the second time in the 90’s. Two separate experiences and circumstances and each very important and life-changing in very different ways.

Fast forward a decade. 1996. Single mom with two kids. Ron called me up and innocently asked “What do you do during the summers?”
“Not much, Ron. Why?”
“Would you like to come back to camp to be the administrator?”
“What’s an administrator?”
“I’ll explain it to you when I’m in Toronto.”
How could I turn it down? Ron was ready to fly me and the kids to camp, have them attend Camp K’ton, pay me in American $$ doing a job I had no experience in without an iota of understanding of what was expected.
So, I signed up for another kick at the can, this time with Toby (5) and Sharon (3) in tow. Their first time at camp. I still had no idea what an administrator did, but I did it well.

I stayed on as administrator for 5 more years, re-met the love of my life who happened to be travelling through and for some reason stopped by camp for a weekend visit. I introduced GUCI and a love of Judaism to my kids. They both continued on long after I hung up my GUCI shoes, each eventually becoming staff. As for me, Ron married me and Ian under a chupah in the Beit T’fillah in the summer of 2000, which started a fresh chapter of my life. Dayeinu. 

Back in 1996 I remember someone asking me, with a somewhat snarky tone when he heard I was going back to camp in my 30’s, “Why on earth would you go back to camp?” “Because I can”.
And now, almost 18 years later I can look back at the 90’s and shake my head in wonder at how GUCI once again changed the course of my life.
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